Ilmu adalah Pengetahuan tetapi Pengetahuan belum tentu menjadi ilmu

Friday 1 July 2016


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Nur Syamsu Sultan
Academy of Foreign Language YBW UMI 



- Translation and interpretation are the ultimate jobs for people who love language.

- There are a lot of misunderstandings about these two fields, including the difference between them and what kind of skills and education they require.



-    Interpretation: Showing, explaining the meaning of something (either words or by artistic performance).

-    Translation:  To give the meaning of something said or written in another language.

Accurate expression

-    Translation and interpretation also require the ability to accurately express information in the target language.

-    Word for word translation is neither accurate nor desirable.

-    A good translator/interpreter knows how to express the source text or speech so that it sounds natural in the target language


- Translators and interpreters need to understand the cultures of both the source and target languages, in order to be able to adapt the language to the appropriate culture.

Translation vs Interpretation 

- Translation is written - it involves taking a written text (such as a book or an article) and translating it in writing into the target language. 

- Interpretation is oral - it refers to listening to something spoken (a speech or phone conversation) and interpreting it orally into the target language.

Spoken language &  written language
-    Spoken language is quite different from written, which adds a further dimension to the distinction.
-    Translators are excellent writers, while interpreters have superior oral communication skills.
-    Then there's the fact that translators work alone to produce a translation.
-    Interpreters work with two or more people/groups to provide an interpretation on the spot during negotiations, seminars, phone conversations, etc.

Interpretation Terms 

1. Source language
The language of the original message. 

2.Target language
The language of the resulting interpretation.

A language - Native language

Most people have one A language, although someone who was raised bilingual may have two A languages or an A and a B.

B language - Fluent language

Fluent here means near-native ability - understanding virtually all vocabulary, structure, dialects, cultural influence, etc. A certified translator or interpreter has at least one B language, unless he or she is bilingual with two A languages.

C language - Working language

Translators and interpreters may have one or more C languages - those which they understand well enough to translate or interpret from but not to. For example, here are my language skills.

Being a good interepreter
- Interpreters should read extensively in order to be up-to-date with current events and trends so that they are able to do their work to the best of their ability.

-Having knowledge of what they might be asked to convert.

-  Interpreters make an effort to read about whatever topic they are currently working on.

Some common types of specialized interpretation:
-    financial interpretation
-    legal interpretation
-    literary interpretation
-    medical interpretation
-    scientific interpretation
-    technical interpretation
Consecutive interpretation (consec)
-The interpreter takes notes while listening to a speech, then does his or her interpretation during pauses. This is commonly used when there are just two languages at work; for example, if the American and Indonesian presidents were having a discussion.

- The consecutive interpreter would interpret in both directions, Indonesian to English and English to Indonesian .

Simultaneous interpretation (simul)
-The interpreter listens to a speech and simultaneously interprets it, using headphones and a microphone

- This is commonly used when there are numerous languages needed, such as in the United Nations. Each target language has an assigned channel.

Translation vs Interpretation 

- It occurs in real time.

- In the presence — physical, televised, or telephonic — of the parties for whom the interpreter renders an interpretation.


 -  It is the transference of meaning from text to text (written or recorded), with the translator having time and access to resources (dictionaries, glossaries, etc.) to produce a faithful, true, and accurate document.

-  Translators have time to consider and revise each word and sentence before delivering their product to the client.

- While interpreters try to achieve total accuracy at all times, details of the original (source) speech can be omitted from the interpretation into the target language, without a pause.

Thank you

Sumber : tertera..


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