Iklan Lowongan Kerja
PT Olam Cocoa adalah perusahaan PMA yang bergerak dibidang perkebunan dan jasa perdagangan eksport import hasil pertanian membuka lowongan kerja untuk posisi sebagai Staff Pembelian.
Adapun kualifikasi bagi pelamar kerja adalah :
1. Pria / Wanita usia 22 sampai 40 tahun.
2. Pendidikan minimal Strata 1 (S1).
3. Bersedia ditempatkan di mana saja (terutama area Sulawesi).
4. Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik.
5. Mampu bekerja secara individual dan team.
6. Berkepribadian yang baik, bertanggungjawab dinamis.
7. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer.
8. Lebih diutamakan yang memiliki SIM dan kendaraan pribadi.
9. Lebih diutamakan yang menguasai bahasa Inggris (tulisan atau lisan).
10. Lebih diutamakan yang memiliki pengalaman dalam bidang industri kakao.
Segera kirimkan berkas lamaran Anda pada alamat atau email berikut :
PT Olam Cocoa
Jl. Salodong No. 58
Kelurahan Bulurokeng, Kecamatan Biringkanaya
Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan 90243
atau Email ke : rara.g@olamnet.com
Lowongan kerja ditutup tanggal 31 Mei 2016
Sumber: lowongan kerja : Harian Fajar 23 Mei 2016
contoh curriculum vitae
Makassar, May 23th 2016
PT. Olam Cocoa
PT. Olam Cocoa
Jl. Salodong No. 58
Kelurahan Bulurokeng, Kecamatan Biringkanaya
Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan 90243
Dear Sir/Madam,
In response to your advertisement in Fajar Post May 01th 2016 that your company is looking for The purchase of staff, I wish to offer my self for the post.
My name is Annisa, I am twenty years old, unmarried, and I am a fresh graduate from Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Faculty of Law and Academy Foreigh Language. I am proficient in several software packages including MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and the Internet. I can speak English and Japanese. I got a special job training for secretarial work for three months. I have license and car, and i also have been looking for know about industry cocoa . Now, I feel I have the necessary qualifications to fill the vacancy you offer.
I see myself as a hard worker, a disciplined person, and I have a good time management. I believe I can do my best and give positive contribution to your company. I can work well, both individually and within a team. I also have a ability to communicate and work well with people on all levels.
For your further information, I enclose here with my curriculum vitae, a testimonial from my academy and a recent photograph of mine.
I hope you will consider this application and grant me an opportunity of an interview.
Yours faithfully,

I. Personal Details
Name :
: Jl. Pampang 1 No. 18A
Phone Number : (+62)-823-9314-7828
: Annisawally8@gmail.com
Place / Date of Birth
: Kendari, 28 January 1993
Gender : Female
Marital Satus : Single
Religion : Islam
Nationality : Indonesia
II. Education Details
2001 – 2007 Elementary School/ SDN 09 Kendari Barat
2007 – 2010 Junior High School/ SMPN
01 Kendari Barat
2010 – 2013 Vocational School/ SMK
01 Kendari Barat
2013 – 2016 Law Degree at Universitas Muslim Indonesia
GPA = 3,90 (
scale 4 )
2014-2017 Academy Foreigh Language at Universitas Muslim Indonesia
III. Organisational Experiences
1. LDK Ashabul Kahfi, UMI
2. KOMPAK Study Club
3. HIMABA (Himpunan Mahasiswa Bahasa Asing)
IV. Qualification Summary
§ Excellent with PC.
§ Good communication skill and speak
English and Japanese fluently both oral and written.
§ Proficient in Miscrosoft office and
Internet handling.
V. Personal Data
Driving License : Full/Clean
Health : Excellent
Interests : Adventuring,
Computers, Reading, and Writing
Similarly, the resume I created with truth and truth can
be accounted for.
23 May 2016
Dear : Custumer Import & Domestics
ReplyDeleteKami dari TWIN Logistics mengajukan penawaran kerjasama dalam bidang pengurusan barang Import RESMI & BORONGAN.
Services Kami,
Customs Clearance Import sistem Resmi maupun Borongan
Penanganan secara Door to Door ASIA & EROPA Sea & Air Service
Penyediaan Legalitas Under-Name (Penyewaan Bendera Perusahaan)
Pengiriman Domestik antar pulau seluruh Indonesia laut dan Udara atau Darat.
Berikut Attecment terlampir.
Terima kasih atas kepercayaan kepada kami, semoga kerjasamanya berjalan dengan lancar.
Jika ada yang ingin dipertanyakan, silahkan hubungi kami di Nomor Phone : +62 21 8498-6182, 8591-7811 Whatssapp : 0819-0806-0678 E-Mail : andijm.logistics@gmail.com
Best Regards,
Mr. Andi JM
Hp Whatssapp : 0819-0806-0678 / 0813-8186-4189
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Jl. Raya Utan Kayu No.105 B Jakarta Timur 13120 Indonesia
Phone : +62 21 8498-6182, 8591-7811 Fax : +62 21 8591-7812
Email : andijm.logistics@gmail.com, cs@twinlogistics.co.id
Web : www.twinlogistics.co.id